Saturday, January 18, 2014

Saturday evening inspiration time.

As this Saturday evening comes to a close, I'm proud to say that Matt and I have accomplished a lot. We registered! How fun it was to pick the things we need for our future home together. I really do look forward to making casseroles in my VERY OWN 9x13" casserole dishes! I am also kinda stoked on the food processor and blender. However, the item I hands down, absolutely cannot wait to use is.... MY OWN VACCUUM. Hahaha!! The things are just things, but the time spent using those things is what I'm really looking forward to. Making meals for my husband, eating together at a table in our very own place, doing dishes and putting them into spots we will choose. It's not our parents house, it will be our own. I am very grateful for all the wisdom my mother has been pouring into me over all these years, I hope I make a good wife. I fear I will fall short, but I also know I will try every single day to serve my husband. God has really blessed me with a good man. He is so understanding of me, doesn't raise his voice if I do something (admittedly) wrong or silly, he is always willing to talk to me about silly stuff my girl brain freaks out over. On top of all that we laugh together, adventure together, and miss each other when we aren't together. I can't wait to be his wife. 

Other accomplishments include engagement picture wardrobe picked, wedding planner hired with our first appoiment in a few weeks, apartment hunting process beginning (any advice welcomed. Please. Help. Lol) and vendor contracts started. 
Anyway, here are some pretty pictures from my Pinterest ( that are inspiring me!


Monday, January 13, 2014

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

First post!

Hi. Hello. Welcome!

So this is 2014, the year I decided to make a "big girl" blog, that isn't just me reblogging pretty pictures on Tumblr (although I will probably always do that). 

Hi, if you follow me on Tumblr or Instagram, I'm glad you could join me. 
I wasn't sure how to start out my blog, because I figured I would need to establish some basics with my followers before I just started posting recipes, makeup finds, thrift finds, adventure pictures, and documenting the year that Matthew (the dude in the picture over there!) and I get married! I think this will be fun to look back on, and be like, 'woah, so we planned a wedding!?'

Anyway, why not start with our engagement story?!

We had made plans for a trip to Baltimore, MD with some of Matt's coworkers, and plans slowly changed and fell apart, and people backed out. However, we decided, no matter what we were going on this trip. Any chance to explore and travel! We also made plans to visit New York City while we were up there. On an airplane and off to a new place!

Baltimore is beautiful. We ate some really yummy seafood (it's the most fresh crab ever, oh my goodness). After soaking up the sights for two days, we decided to get up early and make the 3 hour trek to NYC in our rental car. November 8th 2013. We bundled up and drove to Newark, NJ to take the commuter train into the city. After getting frustrated and driving around the block a few times to park near the train station, we finally made it on our commuter train all bundled up and weighed down with our cameras and gear. Once our train arrived at the World Trade Center stop, we were giddy to explore. Out from underground we came, and were greeted with the most freezing cold wind and walked aimlessly before we decided to head for the Empire State building. We stopped for lunch in front of the New York Public Library, and Matt's camera seemed to be jammed up, and he was frustrated trying to fix it, because the whole reason we came to NYC was to take pictures! Here I was thinking 'well this is a total flop, he's gonna have the worst time EVER if he can't take pictures!! We then made the very silly decision to walk all the way to Central Park. "Oh, 3.5 miles isn't that bad!!!" OH BUT IT WAS! We were walking so fast, dodging people and taxis, all the while our feet were throbbing and when we made it to Central Park it was like an oasis in the desert. Meanwhile, I had no clue Matt was going to propose.

We walked around Central Park, and let me tell you, it was the most beautiful thing in Autumn. Right out of the movies, I was so happy. We crossed a bridge and saw another couple getting engaged! I thought it was so cute, and then it was just a set-up for a photograph and made the comment to Matt that if you're going to propose in Central Park, do it for real!!! He just agreed quietly, little did I know...
We both had to pee REALLY bad because where the heck do you stop to use the restroom while you're walking down 5th ave?! But we found a gazebo and Matt said he wanted to take some pictures of me. I was like "ookaayy...?" So he had me turn my back to him and he took some pictures. He kept telling me "Step to the right. Okay to the left a little. Back to the right." I later found out this was him buying time to get the ring out of his pocket. Then I heard him snap the picture, and he said I could turn around, and when I did he was on one knee behind me with a ring in between his fingers. I could not believe it, I threw my hand over my mouth, gasping for air, feeling my face get hot. I think I kept asking him "are you serious!?" He said THE SWEETEST things to me(sorry, keeping those things for myself!), and then asked if I would marry him, and I didn't even say yes I think! He put the ring on my finger and swept me up in his arms hugging me and we were just laughing and smiling and kissing and it was the best moment in the world. It was so special because we were alone in this giant city and no one was around to intrude on this amazing thing. It was so romantic, and nobody could have planned it any better than Matt. I felt like crying and puking and kept thinking "We're ENGAGED!?" and couldn't stop staring at the ring! We then quickly tried to find the nearest bathroom because as if we didn't have to use the bathroom before, the excitement of getting ENGAGED made it worse! 

Five diamonds, matte gold, bezel set, and custom made for me! It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, but it's only the icing on the cake. The real exciting and beautiful thing is the fact that I get to marry the most amazing human I've ever met, and that he wants me to be his forever! I feel like the most blessed woman on the planet, especially because I get to be Mrs. Walker! Matt and I are super excited about planning our special day (but also kinda freaking out, how do weddings happen!?). 
So, all that to say, here's a blog that is going to be about my journey to becoming a wife, plan a wedding, learn to love better, and everything in between! If you have any posts you would like me to make, please feel free to get at me on any of my forms of social media: tumblr instagram or ye old email 
I would love any, and all of your suggestions about what you'd like to see on my blog!
